Our plans



up to 10K Subscribers to notify Unlimited Subscribers to collect
  • Unlimited websites
  • 1 user
  • Unlimited notifications
  • 5 automations per day
  • No integrations
  • No Safari browser
  • Copyright 'Powered by Gravitec.net'


up to 20K Subscribers to notify Unlimited Subscribers to collect$20/mo
  • Unlimited websites
  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited notifications
  • Unlimited automations
  • Unlimited integrations


    Everything in FIX, and:

  • Unlimited subscribers
  • High load capacity
  • Customer Business & Tech Supporttelegramwhatsapp
  • RESTful API

Try our Free Plan to test the service. Please note, that the Free Plan goes with the unremovable copyright 'Powered by Gravitec.net' and has some limitations on speed and features

Gravitec AI

added to any plan including free

Automatic text generation for push notifications

Improve your CTR with best content specifically adapted for push notifications based on the experience of 100+ billion sent pushes and the advanced technologies of Open.ai

2400 AI generations


Get started


Number of websitesUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Subscribers to collectUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Subscribers to notifyUp to 10.000Up to 200.000Unlimited
User seats1UnlimitedUnlimited
No-code automations5 per dayUnlimitedUnlimited
No-code integrations-UnlimitedUnlimited
Subscriber segmentsUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Customer Business & Tech Supporttelegramwhatsapp--+
RESTful API--+


+ Is Gravitec.net GDPR compliant?

Yes, it is. Gravitec.net doesn’t collect any personal data from your subscribers by its own initiative.

We provide our service to websites, which act as our customers. The websites are able to collect personal data from their subscribers using a specific feature of Gravitec.net. The feature is turned off by default.

If you are a subscriber of one of these websites, you can request that your personal data be removed by contacting them.
The website will redirect your request to us, and we will delete the personal data in question.

If you are our customer, you can manage your personal data yourself in the Gravitec.net user profile.

Check out our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

+ Does my website support Gravitec.net?

Any website that allows inserting our code snippet into a header HTML template, or at least into the single page code supports Gravitec.net. Best case scenario is also being able to place our SDK file into the website's root directory.

Many site builders don't allow uploading SDK files to the root folder, so we developed a separate integration method for the case.

Just choose WIX / Tilda / Other integration method. We’ll place the SDK file on a separate subdomain to collect subscribers for you.

+ What devices support receiving web push notifications?

All devices running on MacOS, Windows, Linux, and Android.

iOS devices don’t support web push notification technology by decision of Apple.

+ Which browsers can receive push notifications?

Desktop browsers: Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox, Yandex.

Mobile browsers on Android devices: Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Yandex.

+ I have subscribers collected with another push notification service. Can I transfer them to Gravitec.net?

Yes, subscriber migration is both possible and easy. We developed a solution that transfers your subscriber audience seamlessly, while also being unnoticeable for them.

You need to do only two steps:

1. Remove scripts and files used previously.

2. Integrate Gravitec.net scripts and files to your website.

From this point, each subscriber that visits your website will be instantly transferred to Gravitec.net. Continue to send push campaigns with the service you were using previously to increase the number of visits to your site and speed up the transfer.

It is also possible to export your subscriber base. In order to do this, provide us with Google Developer Keys, so your subscribers will be linked to your keys.

+ Can I schedule a campaign instead of sending it right away?

Yes you can. You can schedule any number of campaigns to be sent later. All you need to do is enter a desired sending time for each campaign.

+ What segmentation options do you have?

1. Standard segmentation options like location, browser, device and OS.

2. Tag segmentation — tagging subscribers by the page they viewed.

Tags are conditional markers that can be easily assigned to a subscriber or a group of subscribers, according to their interests, actions, events on the site. For example, you can assign a specific tag to any subscriber who visited a specific page on your website.

A subscriber can have as many tags as you like.

3. Tagging subscribers using the Bell feature.

Set up suggested interests via Bell, and every new subscriber will be assigned a tag for each interest chosen.

4. Tagging subscribers using Campaign category.

When sending a campaign, specify its category. Those who open the campaign, will receive a tag with category name.

5. Alias segmentation.

Alias is a personal identifier of a subscriber, a marker that allows individual campaigns: personal offers, trigger messages, etc.

Gravitec.net docs — segmentation with API

+ What statistics do you provide?

Here’s the main data of the push campaigns we display in our analytics:

Sent — a total count of subscribers, to whom the notifications were sent.

Delivered — a total count of active subscribers according to Google. It’s the count of notifications delivered to Google infrastructure for further display in subscribers’ browsers. Delivered = Sent - Unsubscribed by results of previous campaign.

Seen is the number of notifications viewed by recipients. Seen count depends on subscriber’s online status, device and network availability, etc.

Opened is the number of notifications clicked by recipients.

+ What are the average stats for a campaign?

Here’s the average stats we observe. The stats may differ in each individual case.

Delivered: 80-95% of Sent.
Seen: 30-60% of Delivered.
Opened: 1-15% of Seen.

+ What are the automation features Gravitec.net provides?

There are five automations in the Gravitec.net dashboard:

Drip Campaigns sends a sequence of pre-designed notifications for new subscribers.
Welcome Message sends an initial notification to a new subscriber.
Daily and Weekly Digest creates a web page with your most popular articles the subscriber hasn't seen yet.
Tweet to Push creates a campaign from your new tweet containing an URL.
RSS to Push creates push campaigns from new items in your RSS Feed.

Read more on our automation features


600+ review



BuiltWithGlobal Push Service

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Why Gravitec?

Automate your push campaigns by using integrations with the best world-class services. Set desired parameters, and let Gravitec.net work for you. We make your readers happy with your new posts while you enjoy your time.