Gravitec AI

Automatic text generation for push notifications

Enhance your push notifications with AI tech and our experience of 100B+ notifications sent

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Content Generator Exclusively for Push Notifications – First on the Market

Boost your CTR

Boost your CTR

Our intelligent algorithm creates texts that are adapted and optimized specifically for push notification format

Improve your content

Improve your content

Gravitec AI generates unique and catchy texts for your push notifications thanks to the intelligent analysis of your website content

Choose the best option from the best

Choose the best option from the best

Easily test different styles and track statistics to understand your audience preferences

Make push campaigns faster and easier

Make push campaigns faster and easier

Generate world class content with just one click, change settings and generate again - all within a minute


month year-17%Lifetime Deal
200 AI generations2400 AI generations

Gravitec AI for automation features - Coming soon

You can add Gravitec AI to any plan including Free plan


200 AI generations




2400 AI generations


Lifetime Deal

Gravitec AI for automation features - Coming soon

You can add Gravitec AI to any plan including Free plan

**If you exhaust the number of Gravitec AI generations before your plan expires, you can purchase additional generations at any time

Have you watched the Gravitec AI tutorial video on the top of the page?

Then now you are ready to power up your campaigns

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